Super M’s “One (Monster and Infinity)” Just Released!

SM Entertainment’s Super M has released the title song for their upcomming and most anticpated 1st album “Super One”. With it intense pop attiude and intrancing vocals, the song is certainly catchy and has made more fans eager for the release of the album.

“One (Monster and Infinity)” was released today, September 23. The song is availble to stream on most music streaming sites such as Spotify, Apple Music and iTunes. Like a teaser to the full album, the group has only released the audio for the track today but following the release of the album, Super M has also also anounced a music video for the title track.

The song, similar to what SuperM has extrodinarily also done in the past, is a something between electronic and pop. It grabs the audeince’s attention with the very first beat and keeps them focused the entire song. From the high-pitched, steady vocals to the strong sounds, the song has enraptured fans and has them pining for more.

SM Entertainment says,

“One (Monster & Infinity)” is a hybrid remix song made by combining the songs “Monster” and “Infinity” from this album, overcoming the catharsis and imminent hardships given by the magnificent song composition and transitions.”

Super M is to premier on the talk-show, “The Ellen DeGeneres Show” on the September 24th. Mark your calendars and get ready for the awe-striking perfromance!

The groups has also started releaseing teaser images of the group members one by one as the release date for the album draws near. The latest teaser image shows Baekhyun showing a cool and chic pose as if he is about to take on the best race of his life time.

Super M’s first album “Super One” is supposed to be released on September 25th at 1:00PM which is 00:00 EST of the 25th and 21:00 PST on the 24th. The album will consist of 15 unique songs that will shake the very core of the Super M fanbase!

Get ready for the comback we have all been waiting for!

If you haven’t already, listen to “One (Monster and Infinity)” below!