Mamamoo Makes Official Apology to Fans


After receiving a lot of backlash for doing blackface at their concert . MAMAMOO has officially apologize for the incident

“We are extremely sorry for our insensitive actions and use of blackface in our video while portraying Bruno Mars. There is no excuse for what we did and there are not enough words to explain how regretful we are. We are heartbroken to have hurt our international K-Pop fans so deeply.

We love and care so much for all people of every color, race, sexuality, religion, and gender. We love all our fans and are so sorry to have hurt our fans in the black community.

We understand now why our actions were wrong and we never meant to do harm with our video. We were extremely ignorant of blackface and did not understand the implications of our actions.

We will be taking time to understand more about our international fans to ensure this never happens again. We hope that you will help to educate us on these and other issues so that we can become better people and better artists.

Thank you so much for bringing this to our attention and allowing us to right the wrongs that we have done.”


RBW, Inc. confirmed to Koreaboo that they will be immediately removing all instances of blackface from the upcoming concert shows. MAMAMOO and RBW, Inc will be personally making apologies to the public, their fans, as well as the international black community.

“We are sincerely sorry for allowing such a video to be created. It showed an extreme lack of judgement and cultural sensitivity on the part of our team. RBW, Inc. will be working with Koreaboo to educate ourselves more on cultural sensitivity and the struggles that the black community and various other POC communities have undergone and continue to go through.

We will work hard to ensure that these mistakes do not happen again and that we hold ourselves accountable to higher standards. We value the international fandom greatly and would never wish to alienate any of our fans.

We are sorry to MAMAMOO and their fans for allowing this to happen and will work harder in the future as a company that represents K-Pop internationally.”

— RBW, Inc.

overall I think I’m gonna forgive them but the FANS need to stop being so defensive. They did wrong.  Accept  it. And If your not  educated on this topic just don’t say anything at all.