A.C.E.’s Chan Test Positive For COVID-19

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On October 8, news that a second A.C.E. member contracted Covid-19 hit the streets. BEAT Interactive revealed the member was Chan. He (Chan) at first tested negative for the virus after his follow bandmate Jun’s positive diagnosis.

However, while he and Byeongkwan were in quarantine, Chan began to display symptoms of COVID-19. Soon after being retested for the virus, Chan’s results came back positive.

BEAT Interactive later made an announcement regarding Chan’s positive status, saying…

“Hello, this is BEAT Interactive.
On the morning of Friday, October 8, A.C.E member Chan’s COVID-19 test results also came back negative.

After A.C.E member Jun was notified on October 4 that he had tested positive, Chan went into self-isolation in accordance with the guidelines of health authorities.During his self-quarantine, he began to exhibit mild symptoms (slight muscle aches) that appeared to be symptoms of COVID-19, so he immediately underwent PCR retesting, and the results of his retest came back positive this morning.In keeping with the instructions of health authorities, Chan will be relocating to a quarantine facility to receive treatment.

The cause of Jun’s [COVID-19] diagnosis was contact with his family on Wednesday, September 29, and he proceeded to practice with the other A.C.E members from Wednesday, September 29 to Friday, October 1.

Although he was not contacted by the health authorities, Jun was personally informed on October 1 that one of the family members he met on September 29 had been diagnosed with COVID-19, so he immediately underwent testing, and at the time, his test results came back negative.

However, while in self-quarantine, Jun began to exhibit mild symptoms starting on Sunday, October 3, so he underwent retesting on Monday, October 4, following which his test results came back positive. From September 29 to October 1, Chan practiced and went about dorm life together with Jun, and even though he went into self-isolation afterwards, we believe that he had already contracted [COVID-19] from their previous contact.

Although Kim Byeongkwan was not living in the dorm due to the fact that [A.C.E] is currently not in the midst of promotions, he practiced together with Jun from September 29 to October 1, when Jun did not yet know that he had been in contact with a COVID-19 patient. After his PCR test results for COVID-19 came back negative on October 4, he has been in self-quarantine at his family home, and Kim Byeongkwan will also be diligently monitoring his condition from here on out.

Following Jun’s diagnosis, all of the A.C.E members and BEAT Interactive staff underwent PCR testing for COVID-19, and all staff members whose paths crossed with Jun’s have gone into self-quarantine and are currently working from home as a precautionary measure.

Our agency will diligently adhere to the instructions and guidelines of health authorities, and we will decide on [A.C.E’s] return to activities at a later date. We will do our utmost to ensure Jun and Chan’s speedy recovery and safety.
Thank you. “