BLACKSWAN’s Fatou Reveals Struggles with Mental Health and Pressure as an Idol in Candid Interview with BBC Korea News

In a recent interview with BBC Korea News, Fatou, a member of the music group BLACKSWAN, opened up about her mental health struggles and the challenges she faces as an idol. When asked about the hardest thing on her mind lately, Fatou confessed to seeking help from a psychiatrist since February. She expressed her concerns about feeling the pressure to excel in music, saying..

“I worry a lot about being really good at music. If you want to pursue music, you have to be good at it. But if you’re not, your mental health can suffer. It feels like you’re going down to hell. I can’t dance, rap, or even sing. What am I doing? Why am I living like this?”

Despite the difficulties, she remains determined to persevere.