[EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW] Brave Girls talk about their viral success, new album, and more!

A true Cinderella story is what you could call the Brave Girls journey through the kpop industry. These four women went from almost disbanding to capturing a nation after a popular youtube channel (ᴠɪᴅɪᴛᴏʀ) posted a video of the group performing their track Rollin. Since then, the Brave Girls have been riding on cloud 9! Today we’ll talk to the group about their new album Summer Queen and more!    

TS: What’s your favorite song on the (Summer Queens) album?

Yujeong: I like the song ‘FEVER.‘ It’s the first time I’ve rapped on a song since my debut. I hope you listen to it!

Eunji: Well, I think the title track ‘Chi Mat Ba Ram’ is my favorite. It’s an exciting song that’s perfect for summer. It’s a song that gives you a cool feeling. Haha, please listen to it a lot this summer.~~~

TS: How would you describe your music to somebody who’s never heard it before?

Minyoung: Some people have never listened to our music, but I don’t think many have listened to it just once and not liked it. And there are many addictive songs in our new album!

TS: What was your first reaction to Rollin becoming so popular four years after its release?/ How did it make you feel?

Yujeong: At first, it was fun and interesting to watch the YouTube video. But as we saw the number of views going up incredibly, I thought, “This is unusual.” Haha, I couldn’t believe the situation, and I never thought I’d face this turning point in my life. I felt like I was dreaming.

Yuna: I was thinking about what I should do in the future and how happy I was to have such a miracle happen. I’m also happy right now! When we won first place with Rollin, which was released four years ago, all the members hugged and cried. I can’t believe a miracle like this came to us. I’m so incredibly happy!

TS: Looking back on all the years you guys have been together, what advice would you give your younger self?

Yujeong: Don’t be too impatient and work hard as you always do, and a good day will come. Hang in there a little bit more!

Eunji: If you have fun doing what you want to do, something like a gift will happen. Always be happy and have fun! Eun Ji, cheer up!

TS: What’s the secret behind Brave Girl’s great teamwork?

Minyoung: I think we’re on good terms because the four of us were always together when we had hard times or fun times. We are all similar in age and have similar concerns and interests, so we are always like friends and family.

TS: In the future, after the pandemic has passed, do you think the Brave Girls will have a US tour?

Eunji: I hope the coronavirus will calm down soon. I can’t wait to meet you all in America. If I have a chance, I want to go to America and perform. Hahaha~~~

TS: What do you guys wish to achieve in the future as a group and individually?

Yuna: I hope the four of us will continue to work as Brave Girls for a long time. And I want to be a singer that fans are always proud of.

What is something you’d like to say to your international fans?

Yujeong: Hello everyone! I’m so happy and amazed that there are people overseas who love and support Brave Girls. Unfortunately, it’s hard to meet because of Covid 19, but thank you so much for supporting us from afar. When the situation gets better, we’ll try to come to your place and perform! Please continue to support us. I love you!

We want to give a special thanks to Brave Entertainment for giving us this opportunity to interview the Brave Girls and Brave Girls for interviewing with us. Make sure to check out the girls’ new album “Summer Queens” on all streaming platforms.