Orbits react to BlockBerry Creative Expelling Chuu from Loona

On November 24th the agency released a statement that Chuu is no longer a member of the group Loona. BBC claims that the singer was removed for “abuse of power” and for using “abusive language toward their staff.” In the past, Chuu claimed that the company was neglectful and that members never received payment for their work. There were also rumors that Block Berry Creatives’ staff were never paid either.

BBC’s statement reads as follows…

Based on the LOONA members’ love for the team and consideration for their fans, they tried to show their feelings by putting their best efforts into their performances and content, not talk about what is true or false.

However, recently we were told of Chuu’s verbal abuse and power-trip tendencies towards our staff. After an investigation, we discovered the truth. Our agency staff are apologizing and comforting the affected staff members. We have decided to take responsibility for this and remove Chuu from LOONA.

— BlockBerry Creative

As soon as the news broke of Chuu’s departure from LOONA, orbits took to social media to share their opinions. “LOONA IS TWELVE” and “Chuu” are currently trending worldwide.


Later on, fellow LOONA member Hyunjin said this on fab

byu/AutoModerator from discussion