Shuffle Your Playlist: A Collection of Songs from eaJ

In the past year Day6’s Jae has released a few short songs that gave us a little bit of a taste of the pure genius Jae is.

Under the stage name, eaj, Jae wrote songs that delved into heavy emotions. The soft vibey melodies are comforting and feel intimate. With the addition of Jae’s voice, the song becomes soothing as if it’s trying to console someone. The songs give a type of feeling as if you were going on a long drive by yourself on a clear night or maybe on a rainy morning.

Each song has its own unique rendering of feelings. Every song that has been released thus far holds a story of its own; each rare in its own way. The one idea, of many ones, I find special about this collection of songs is that they could mean something different to each person; it could find comfort in it’s own way and could hold its own type of emotion to different people.

All the songs are shorts. They aren’t trailers but it is the style that Jae likes for his songs and the shortness of the songs suits its vibe. All of the songs are available to stream on YouTube and SoundCloud.

Here are some of my favorites from eaj:

“PINOCCHIO” – First of all, the lyrics are VERY catchy. They have this power to stick in your head all day but for some reason you would never get tired of it. The upbeat rhythm in the background and cool vocals makes the combination a bop that could be listened to on repeat.

“LA TRAINS” – Listening to this song feels as if I’m on a train, people watching. Its lowkey vibe allows me to sink into the comfort of the present and be immersed into my surroundings.

“50 Proof” – The lyrics are so beautiful in this one. To me, this song feels like the emotions after a break-up and the suppressed thoughts that come to the surface. The idea that you still care for them but you can no longer be at their side.

Jae recently released a new song in the series called “Pacman” and this one has been my favorite so far. On his Instagram post, Jae said, “50 Proof was my favorite. Pacman is everyone else’s.”, and I stand by that. The vocals in this song are certainly on another level. Check out the latest release below.

Some songs like “Pinocchio”, “LA Trains”, and “Guess Not”, are featured on 88rising’s channel. Some of the people who have helped make the songs possible are: kinotaku, 220, JW Hur, Kim Balko, Im Jihyun, Majorcode, Nam Woo Kwon, Jango, Form of Therapy, Hue, kkamggic2, John Lee.


If you want to see what new things Jae is up too, follow him on Instagram and Twitter.